Microservices using .NET(Dotnet) Core questions

  • How do you create a Microservice in .NET Core?
    • In .NET Core, you can create a microservice using ASP.NET Core, typically with the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc framework for building RESTful APIs.
  • Explain how you can handle service-to-service communication in a .NET Core Microservices architecture.
    • Service-to-service communication in .NET Core Microservices can be handled using technologies like HTTP/REST APIs, gRPC, or message brokers such as RabbitMQ or Kafka.
  • What is the role of ASP.NET Core Middleware in Microservices?
    • ASP.NET Core Middleware is used in Microservices to handle cross-cutting concerns like authentication, logging, and exception handling. It provides a pipeline through which requests pass, allowing developers to add components to process requests.
  • How can you manage configuration settings in a .NET Core Microservices environment?
    • .NET Core provides a configuration system that allows you to manage settings in a central configuration file, environment variables, or external configuration providers like Azure Key Vault or Consul.
  • Explain the role of containers in .NET Core Microservices.
    • Containers, especially with Docker, are commonly used in .NET Core Microservices for packaging applications and their dependencies. This ensures consistency in different environments and simplifies deployment.
  • How do you handle cross-cutting concerns like logging and monitoring in a .NET Core Microservices architecture?
    • Logging and monitoring in .NET Core Microservices can be handled using built-in logging libraries like Serilog or integration with external monitoring tools like Application Insights or ELK stack.
  • What is the importance of Dependency Injection in .NET Core Microservices?
    • Dependency Injection (DI) is crucial in .NET Core Microservices for managing the dependencies of different services. It helps achieve loose coupling and makes it easier to test and maintain code.
  • How do you implement security and authentication in a .NET Core Microservices ecosystem?
    • Security and authentication in .NET Core Microservices can be implemented using authentication middleware, JWT (JSON Web Tokens), and identity providers like Azure AD or IdentityServer.
  • Explain how you would handle database access in a .NET Core Microservices architecture.
    • Database access in .NET Core Microservices can be managed using an ORM (Object-Relational Mapper) like Entity Framework Core. Each microservice typically has its own database or schema to ensure independence.
  • What are the steps involved in deploying a .NET Core Microservice to a containerized environment?
    • Deployment of a .NET Core Microservice to a containerized environment involves creating a Dockerfile, building a Docker image, and then deploying it to a container orchestration platform like Kubernetes or Docker Swarm.

Most common question for experience Microservices developer – Multiple Services scenario:

Running two microservices at the same domain in .NET Core can be achieved through various means. One common approach is to use a reverse proxy, such as Nginx or the built-in reverse proxy functionality in ASP.NET Core. Here’s a simple example using ASP.NET Core and Kestrel as the web server:

Let’s assume you have two microservices, ServiceA and ServiceB. You want them both to be accessible at the same domain but different paths.

  • Create the Microservices:
    • Create two separate ASP.NET Core projects (ServiceA and ServiceB) with distinct functionalities.
  • Configure Kestrel Ports:
    • In each microservice’s Startup.cs file, configure Kestrel to listen on different ports. For example:


// In ServiceA Startup.cs

public class Startup


 public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)


 // Configuration and other middleware…

 app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>






 public static void Main(string[] args)




 public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>


 .ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder =>





    • Similarly, configure the port for ServiceB.
  • Configure a Reverse Proxy:
    • Create a new ASP.NET Core project (e.g., Gateway) to act as a reverse proxy.


// In Gateway Startup.cs

public class Startup


 public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)


 // Configuration and other middleware…


 app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>


 endpoints.Map(“/serviceA”, ProxyTo(“http://localhost:5000”));

 endpoints.Map(“/serviceB”, ProxyTo(“http://localhost:5001”));



 private static Action<IApplicationBuilder> ProxyTo(string uri)


 return branch =>


 branch.UseProxy(new ProxyOptions


 Scheme = “http”,

 Host = uri,




 public static void Main(string[] args)




 public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>


 .ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder =>





  • Run the Microservices and Gateway:
    • Start ServiceA and ServiceB on their respective ports.
    • Start the Gateway project. It will act as a reverse proxy and route requests based on the specified paths.
  • Access the Microservices:
    • Now you can access ServiceA at http://localhost/serviceA and ServiceB at http://localhost/serviceB.

This example uses the /serviceA and /serviceB paths on the same domain to route requests to different microservices. The Gateway project acts as a reverse proxy, forwarding requests to the appropriate microservice based on the path. Adjust the configurations based on your specific requirements and environment.

to be continue….

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